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9Rays.Net is proving that great things indeed come in small packages. Having enjoyed success in beta preliminary release versions, FlyGrid.Net is taking off in full release, promising to deliver a fast and highly customizable Tree/Grid for Windows.Forms in only 340Kb. (WINDOWS) $239.90
Spices.Net - powerful tool for .Net developers that offers obfuscation, prevention from disassembling/decompilation, decompilation, modeling and analytical features. Decompilation to 6 languages, conversion between programming languages, protection of your assemblies, integration with Microsoft Visual Studio, building diagrams and much more... Spices.Net is plugin environment that constantly renewing new possibilities. (WINDOWS) $1,399.90
FlyTreeView for ASP.NET is an advanced tree component. FlyTreeView for ASP.NET features ASP.NET AJAX compatibility, context menu, drag-and-drop capabilities, on-demand nodes population, radio buttons and checkboxes, and more. $399.90
Spices.Net - powerful tool for .Net developers that offers obfuscation, prevention from disassembling/decompilation, decompilation, modeling and analytical features. Decompilation to 6 languages, conversion between programming languages, protection of your assemblies, integration with Microsoft Visual Studio, building diagrams and much more... Spices.Net is plugin environment that constantly renewing new possibilities. (WINDOWS) $699.90
Spices.Net - powerful tool for .Net developers that offers obfuscation, prevention from disassembling/decompilation, decompilation, modeling and analytical features. Decompilation to 6 languages, conversion between programming languages, protection of your assemblies, integration with Microsoft Visual Studio, building diagrams and much more... Spices.Net is plugin environment that constantly renewing new possibilities. (WINDOWS) $399.90
Spices.Net - powerful tool for .Net developers that offers obfuscation, prevention from disassembling/decompilation, decompilation, modeling and analytical features. Decompilation to 6 languages, conversion between programming languages, protection of your assemblies, integration with Microsoft Visual Studio, building diagrams and much more... Spices.Net is plugin environment that constantly renewing new possibilities. (WINDOWS) $1,199.90