Custom coupons

When creating and using custom coupons there are a few guidelines to follow. You can use the HTML/CSS template as a starting point for creating your own custom coupons. Note that all images that will be used in your coupon including barcodes and logos will need to be hosted on your own server or image hosting service. You can use Flickr, photo bucket or another image hosting service to host your images.

Creating custom HTML/CSS coupons is not difficult, but it does require a little bit of experience or patience.  To learn more about creating custom coupons you can view the tutorial on the tutorials page.

After creating and naming your new coupon you can create a custom coupon by simply cutting and pasting your HTML/CSS into the coupon creation window. After clicking “continue” you will be able to preview what your coupon will look like using your custom markup.

Custom coupons appear on the dashboard the same as templated coupons, however editing a custom coupon will take you to a panel where you can directly edit the markup of the custom coupon.