µTorrent Support


This tutorial is for version 1.8 and later.

Adding a feed

The RSS interface has been changed since 1.7.7. To use RSS now, you need to enable the category list. Press F7 or click Options -> Show Category List. Click anywhere in the lower half of the sidebar, where All Feeds is. Choose "Add RSS Feed." Enter your RSS feed's URL into the input box, and check Custom Alias if you want to give a name to the feed.

Note that the RSS Downloader will NOT consume any extra resources if you have no feeds present/enabled. Some feeds do not give direct links to the .torrent files. These feeds cannot be used for automatic downloading through filters.

Disabling a feed or filter

To disable a feed, simply right click the feed in the category list and choose "Disable Feed." If you want to re-enable it, simply right click again and choose "Enable Feed."

Renaming a feed

You can rename a feed or edit the URL by either right clicking it and choosing "Edit Feed" or double clicking on it.

Viewing releases on an RSS feed

To view the releases for an RSS feed, click on the feed. Alternatively, click on "All Feeds." You can also view multiple feeds at once by holding Ctrl and clicking multiple feeds, or even combine releases and your torrents by clicking on a feed and a label or category for loaded torrents. All the releases currently on the feed will show in the main listview. Double clicking will attempt to download the .torrent for the release. To open the release's URL in your browser, right click it and choose Open URL in Browser.

Extra columns of information are available for RSS feeds. To enable or disable them, right click on the name of any column. You can also click and drag columns to rearrange them. These settings are independent of the columns available when viewing your loaded torrents.

Using feeds that require HTTP authentication

For feeds that require HTTP authentication, simply use this format for the feed URL: http://username:[email protected]/rss.php

Using feeds that require cookies

To use feeds that require cookies, you must find the cookie for the site, and grab UID and pass from it.

Once you have the appropriate information, use this format for the feed URL:

Some sites do not use uid and pass as the variables, or use additional ones, so you MUST use the exact variable name and the extra variables they specify! For example, on a certain site, it uses id, password, and secure as the cookie variables you must use.

Automatically downloading torrents

To automatically download all torrents from a feed, you can open the Edit Feed dialog and choose "Automatically download items published in feed." Checking the smart episode filter will make it only download the first version of a particular episode. The smart episode filter not work if the "Episode" column is blank.

If you want to download only specific releases, there are two ways to do that. The simpler method is to right click on the relevant release in the list and choose "Add to favorites." This will add it to your Favorites list and bring up the RSS Downloader dialog for further editing of your favorite.

The alternative method to automatically download specific releases is to right click on any feed or "All Feeds" and choose "RSS Downloader," or press Ctrl-R. This will bring up the "RSS Downloader" dialog.

Here is the RSS Downloader dialog with an example filter:
RSS Favorites tab

Sorting favorites

You can sort your favorites by by dragging and dropping them to wherever in the list you'd like them.