µTorrent Community

Skins Guide

Skinning and customizing µTorrent

µTorrent has a number of 'hidden' options (not accessible from the Preferences menu) for customizing and skinning the program. The µTorrent Skins Page offers a number of different toolbar, status and program icons that can be downloaded and applied to µTorrent.

Folder locations

Skin icons and bitmaps all need to go into %AppData%\uTorrent. %AppData% is a shortcut for the user's application data folder, and we use it here because on different versions of Windows, %AppData% is located in different places. In Windows XP, it's located at C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\, where Username is your Windows username. To locate the correct folder in any other version of Windows, hit Start, then Run, type %AppData%\uTorrent and hit Enter.

In three sentences: how to skin µT from the skins page

Go to the µTorrent skins page and have a look around. Once you've found a skin component you like, simply click the DL link to the right of it and save the file to %AppData%\uTorrent, wherever that may be on your system. Replace any existing file with the same name. (µTorrent needs to be restarted for the changes to apply.)

More info on customizable files

For those wanting to make their own skin or just looking for more info.. these files are all stored in %AppData%\uTorrent and can be used as follows:

  1. tray.ico

    This is a standard Windows icon file. If tray.ico is found in %AppData%\uTorrent, it will replace the default icon in the system tray (bottom-right corner of your screen).

  2. main.ico

    As with tray.ico, if main.ico is present in %AppData%\uTorrent, it replaces the default icon at the top-left of the µTorrent window.

  3. toolbar.bmp

    A 288x24 Windows bitmap. If it's found, it replaces the toolbar running across the top of the main µT window. It's made up of 12 24x24 bitmaps placed right next to each other (with no whitespace in between) in the same order as they appear in the toolbar. If the dimensions are incorrect, µTorrent will still attempt to create the toolbar, but some graphic problems might occur (for example, the text in the search box not being totally readable).

  4. tstatus.bmp

    Short for 'torrent status', this is a 256x16 bitmap with similar parameters to toolbar.bmp, except individual icons are only 16x16 pixels.

  5. tabs.bmp

    A 224x16 bitmap with similar parameters to toolbar.bmp, except individual icons are only 16x16 pixels. The icons are for the tabs in the "Detailed Info" bar. Half are the icons when active, the other half are greyed out versions when they're inactive.

  6. flags.bmp

    A bitmap containing all the flags displayed in µT when "Resolve IPs" is switched on in the Peers tab. eng's flags.bmp and flags.conf are updated frequently (check the last page of the thread for the date of the last update).

  7. flags.conf

    A text files including data on which hosts map to which country, since by default .com and .net hosts are mapped to the US. For examples, eftel.com hosts should appear with the Australian flag, even though there is no .au in the hostname. This will not work if you have peer.resolve_country set to true in the advanced settings, as that will set µT to use a DNSBL service to determine countries instead. eng's flags.bmp and flags.conf are updated frequently (check the last page of the thread for the date of the last update).

  8. ipfilter.dat

    An IP blocklist using the eMule ipfilter.dat format. If you've got blocklists in other formats, you can convert them using Bluetack's blocklist converter (convert to "eMule format").

  9. program shortcut icon

    Can technically be located anywhere and named anything since it's not part of µTorrent. If you've created a shortcut to µT on your desktop or something, you can change the icon by right-clicking the shortcut, selecting Properties, then hitting the Change Icon button.

  10. torrent filetype icon

    Can technically be located anywhere and named anything since it's not part of µTorrent. It's the icon that appears next to the filename of a .torrent file (or any other file extension of your choice). To change it, go to Control Panel and Folder Options, then the File Types tab. Scroll down and look for TORRENT, select it, then click Advanced. If it's not there, click New and type that in. Once you're in the Edit File Type dialog, click Change Icon to change the icon for .torrent files. You may also want to change some of the options, for example setting "BitTorrent metadata" as the description for the filetype.