µTorrent Support


Incompatible Software

  1. 1.1 Help! My µTorrent process is using a ton of memory! (NVIDIA Firewall)
  2. 1.2 My µTorrent keeps freezing on certain trackers / saying "A socket operation encountered a dead network." (BitDefender, possibly others)
  3. 1.3 My µTorrent windows doesn't update or refresh (Stardock's ObjectDock)
  4. 1.4 I get "Error: Access Denied" / "Error: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process." and µTorrent halts the torrent! (Google/MSN Desktop, possibly some anti-virus software, WinZIP QuickFind, Explorer's thumbnail view, several others)
  5. 1.5 My µTorrent freezes / locks up sometimes and/or uses 100% CPU, slowing down my PC (Avast!, Spyware Doctor 5 possibly others)
  6. 1.6 Kerio Personal Firewall / Sunbelt Personal Firewall uses 100% CPU when running µTorrent and/or disconnects my internet every few minutes
  7. 1.7 Special note for users with Linksys WRT54G/GL/GS routers, there are severe problems with them when running any P2P app (read for fix)
  8. 1.8 Norton AntiVirus keeps prompting me to permit or block µTorrent!
  9. 1.9 I get an error "An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full" and µTorrent halts! (Norton GoBack, Windows 2000/XP/2003)
  10. 1.10 Modems/routers that are known to have problems with P2P apps (from Azureus, but applies to µTorrent too)
  11. 1.11 I get tons of hashfails on my torrents, and the torrent never finishes: it gets stuck at 99.9%! (D-link routers, any other router with game mode DMZ)
  12. 1.12 I get very high CPU use when running µTorrent! (McAfee Firewall, SpamPal, Norman Personal Firewall, possibly others)
  13. 1.13 µTorrent crashes! (V-Com System Suite & V-Com Fixit Pro, Norman Personal Firewall, McAfee Firewall)
  14. 1.14 I get blank dialogs / no text in various places. (McAfee Anti-virus, Norton AntiVirus)
  1. 1.1 Help! My µTorrent process is using a ton of memory! (NVIDIA Firewall)

    If you find your µTorrent process uses a huge amount of memory abnormally, or steadily increasing for no reason (especially with DHT on), and you use the NVIDIA integrated firewall, you MUST UNINSTALL THE FIREWALL. Disabling it will not work! The firewall has a serious bug (which has NOT been fixed to this date) that causes many programs to leak large amounts of memory. It is NOT a µTorrent bug. There is no fix for this, you MUST uninstall the NVIDIA Firewall. However, the latest version of the NVIDIA Firewall (bundled with the newest nForce drivers) appears to fix this problem. µTorrent still presents the warning dialog, but this will be rectified in the next version.

    Sources for this info: http://forum.emule-project.net/lofiversion/index.php/t86089.html

  2. 1.2 My µTorrent keeps freezing on certain trackers / saying "A socket operation encountered a dead network." (BitDefender, possibly others)

    This is a bug with BitDefender, NOT µTorrent. Unfortunately, disabling this software will not work, so you must uninstall BitDefender to fix the problem. Please uninstall it and use something else, there is no fix for this.

    If you experience this problem and are NOT using BitDefender, please try uninstalling (not disabling) the firewall. If it works, please inform us on the µTorrent forums, making sure to tell us which firewall caused the problem.

    If you are not using any firewall, make sure you have the latest drivers for your network card, since this problem can be caused by buggy NICs. It can also be caused if your network gets physically disconnected or if the modem/router shuts off.

  3. 1.3 My µTorrent windows doesn't update or refresh (Stardock's ObjectDock)

    Stardock's ObjectDock can sometimes cause µTorrent's and various other programs' windows to apparently freeze and stop updating. The programs themselves still function, but their GUIs will no longer refresh. Please uninstall ObjectDock and use an alternative dock program, such as YzDock, since there is no fix for this bug if it happens to you. This is NOT a µTorrent bug.

    You should no longer experience this with the latest version of µTorrent.

  4. 1.4 I get "Error: Access Denied" / "Error: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process." and µTorrent halts the torrent! (Google/MSN Desktop, possibly some anti-virus software, WinZIP QuickFind, Explorer's thumbnail view, several others)

    Error: Access Denied can be caused by numerous things. The most common causes seem to be Google and MSN Desktop. A possible fix is turn off the indexing feature, or to uninstall them. Excluding the download folders from indexing should work.

    Another fix is to turn off diskio.flush_files, but you will lose the benefit of flush files (diskio.flush_files makes µTorrent close file handles every minute. This helps reduce the effect of Windows managing the system cache badly). Since flush files closes the handle every minute, Google/MSN Desktop try to open the file every minute, and this prevents µTorrent from writing.

    The best solution is to uninstall Google/MSN Desktop.

    WinZIP Quickfind has the same effect as Google/MSN Desktop. It must be disabled.

    Roxio Media Manager and Nero Scout both do the same. They are installed by default when installing Roxio's and Nero's burning software, respectively. They must be disabled, or uninstalled.

    It is possible that an anti-virus' real-time scanner may cause this, but there is no known AV that causes this error. If it does, the same fixes for Google/MSN Desktop apply (exclude the folder(s), uninstall the AV/disable the real-time scanner, or turn off flush files).

    AVG7 may cause this, it seems to think that some files are a JPEG exploit (a false positive), and it attempts to quarantine them.

    A third possibility is that you are viewing the folder while it's downloading, and Explorer is set to thumbnail mode. If this is the case, Explorer would try to access these files while viewing the folder in Thumbnail mode, and lock out µTorrent from writing. The solution is to not view the folder until the download is finished, don't use Thumbnail mode, or turn off flush files.

    It's also possible that Explorer is trying to read the media files (MP3, AVI and so on) in the folder to make thumbnails, show you information about them, or preview them. You can unregister the media indexer (Start -> Run -> regsvr32 /u shmedia.dll ), and/or unregister the image indexer (Start -> Run -> regsvr32 /u shimgvw.dll ) as an alternative for either case, not view the folder, or turn off flush files.

    A fourth possibility is that you set the files to read-only, which would prevent µTorrent from writing. This only affects downloading; µTorrent can seed files that are set to read-only. However, if the error appears when trying to seed, it may mean that the original files are damaged and are failing the hash check.

  5. 1.5 My µTorrent freezes / locks up sometimes and/or uses 100% CPU, slowing down my PC (Avast!, Spyware Doctor 5 possibly others)

    This can be caused by Avast!'s P2P shield, which scans P2P apps. Disabling this option will fix your problem.
    Here's step-by-step instructions on disabling the P2P shield (thanks to scarface_666):

    • Double click the left mouse button on your Avast! icon in the system tray (to the left of the system clock) and your On-Access Scanner will open in a separate window. If you don't see the icon, click on the arrow and it should expand to show all the icons in the system tray.
    • Click the left mouse button on the "Details >>" button at the bottom of the Avast On-Access Scanner to open up more options. Look for the P2P Shield on the left of you On-Access Scanner window and left click your mouse button on it and the P2P Shield should now be highlighted.
    • Now click your left mouse button on the "Terminate" Button (Located on the right of the On-Access Scanner window) and you should see some text near the top of the window saying "No task is currently using this provider".
    • Finally, click the "OK" Button and the bottom right of the On-Access Scanner window and the P2P shield will be disabled.

    Alternatively, Avast! has a Customize option button besides the Sensitivity slider bar. You can exclude programs from the P2P shield in there. Excluding utorrent.exe may also solve the problem.

    Spyware Doctor 5 causes µTorrent to freeze when installed. The only fix is to uninstall it, or roll back to version 4 of Spyware Doctor.

  6. 1.6 Kerio Personal Firewall / Sunbelt Personal Firewall uses 100% CPU when running µTorrent and/or disconnects my internet every few minutes!

    Kerio Personal Firewall / Sunbelt Personal Firewall has a bug where it uses 100% CPU and may cause your connection to drop when using µTorrent.
    The fix for this is to:

    • Open up the Kerio GUI (best to do while no torrents are running)
  7. 1.7 Special note for users with Linksys WRT54G/GL/GS routers, there are severe problems with them when running any P2P app (read for fix)

    The following note does NOT apply to WRT54G/GS v5 and up! Use the latest official firmware (1.00.9+) with those, they do not suffer from this specific problem (though they do suffer from different problems).

    The default firmware for Linksys (and all replacement firmwares except for the latest DD-WRT and HyperWRT Thibor) have a severe problem where they track old connections for FIVE days, which causes the router to hang when using P2P apps, or any software that generates a lot of connections. DHT only aggravates the situation because of the number of connections it generates.

    Linksys has yet to address this issue, but there is a fix. If you use alternative firmware, you can put in a start-up script to fix this problem. DD-WRT and HyperWRT support custom start-up scripts.

    • HyperWRT Thibor (14+) (54G/GL/GS only, excluding hardware revision V5 of 54G/GS)
    • DD-WRT (v23+)(54G/GL/GS excluding hardware revision V5 of 54G)

    I am not responsible if you screw up your router, so you do this at your own risk. This page has instructions on recovering a bricked router.

    If you experience any strange issues or performance problems, clear your NVRAM, and if all else fails, try changing firmwares (but make sure you clear the NVRAM afterwards!)

    You should avoid upgrading over a wireless connection, since the connection may drop out and brick the router.

    To upgrade the firmware follow the instructions on the download section of Thibor's page if flashing to HyperWRT Thibor, and make sure you download the correct firmware version for your router!

    Neither DD-WRT v23+ nor DD-WRT Thibor14+ require these steps, but older versions of HyperWRT tofu/Thibor do. If you are on an old DD-WRT, you MUST upgrade to v23 SP2 or later.

    • The following instuctions for HyperWRT tofu and older Thibors.
    • Go to the web interface (default password is admin) by typing into your browser.
    • Click Administration, then Edit Startup. Put the following commands in the box:
            echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts
            echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses
            echo "600 1800 120 60 120 120 10 60 30 120" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_tcp_timeouts
    • Click Save, close the window, then click Save settings.
    • Reboot the router (the Administration page has a Reboot button) and you'll be done.

    To upgrade to DD-WRT, follow the instructions on this page. WRT54G v4 Installation Tutorial.

    • The following instructions are for DD-WRT v23 or later only.
    • Enter the following values at 'Web-Admin -> Administration -> Management -> IP Filter Settings'
    • Maximum Ports: 4096
    • TCP Timeout (s): 300 (decrease if you have many TCP connections)
    • UDP Timeout (s): 300 (decrease if you have many UDP connections)
    • Save Settings and then Reboot Router

    For a detailed explanation of what these settings do, see Router Slowdown @ DD-WRT Wiki

    Remember, I am not responsible if you screw up your router, so it's your problem if something goes wrong. However, if something does go wrong, this page has instructions on recovering a bricked ("dead") router.

    If you require further assistance with either firmware, please visit HyperWRT.org (the main site does not have the latest builds however), HyperWRT Forum's Advanced Help Section, DD-WRT.org, and DD-WRT's Wiki.
    Please do not ask for help with these firmwares on the µTorrent forums.

  8. 1.8 Norton AntiVirus keeps prompting me to permit or block µTorrent!

    Norton AntiVirus will continually prompt you to permit or block µTorrent regardless of if you hit Permit or Block. This is caused by NAV's Worm Protection.

    • Start Norton AntiVirus
    • On the left pane, select Internet Worm Protection.
    • On the right pane, click Program Control.
    • Find the µTorrent entry and delete it.
    • Click Add.
    • Locate the program executable (default location if you used the installer: C:\Program Files\uTorrent\ )
    • At the next dialog box, from the dropdown menu, click Permit.
    • Click OK.
    • If any windows with Norton asking for permission for µTorrent are open, click Permit.
    • Now Norton will no longer ask for permission for µTorrent.
    Thanks to WIZZwatcher for the solution

    Another solution is to simply turn off the Worm Protection, since it does not help much, or to uninstall Norton and get a better AntiVirus, since Norton has been shown to miss many worms, and to be working with companies against protecting your PC from rootkits.

    The latest version of Norton Internet Security 2006 and Norton AntiVirus 2006 SHOULD fix this issue.

  9. 1.9 I get an error "An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full" and µTorrent halts! (Norton GoBack)

    Norton GoBack appears to cause this problem (and it can manifest itself with other clients). Specifically, it is the component GBTray.exe of Norton GoBack that causes this. You can either close GBTray.exe before running µTorrent and keep it closed during the entire session (GoBack appears to still work with it closed), or disable Norton GoBack. Updating to version 4.1 will fix this issue.

    There is also a registry setting in Windows 2000/XP/2003 that can cause this error. Read this Microsoft KB article for further information and a fix. KB196271

    This can also be caused if you have your net.max_halfopen set to value other than 8, and have not patched TCPIP.SYS using the EventID 4226 Patcher" (XP SP2 and 2003 only). If you have patched it, check it again, because it gets reverted occasionally by Windows patches.

  10. 1.10 Modems/routers that are known to have problems with P2P apps (from Azureus, but applies to µTorrent too)

    List of routers that have problems with Azureus (and µTorrent), if you have one of those... either try the solution specified with it (if there is any), update the firmware or get a new one. If your router or modem freezes/reboots, you should turn off IP resolving, DHT, and/or reduce the number of connections to try to remedy the problem, even if it's not on this list.

    Reason not yet verified

    • Apple Airport Extreme (802.11g wireless with 128-bit WEP)

    Due to too many connections

    • SpeedStream 5660 in Router/NAPT configuration. There is no firmware newer than 2.(3).7. Switch to bridged mode and firewall your network to fix it. Otherwise, when it dies just power-cycle the router and continue on.

    The following modems/routers have known problems with too many global connections, limiting them to 200 or less should fix the problems:

    • D-Link 302G
    • D-Link DI-624
    • D-Link DSL-G664T
    • Linksys BEFSR41V4/BESR41
    • Linksys Wireless-B
    • Netgear DG632
    • Netgear DG834G
    • Netgear MR814
    • Netgear WGT524
    • Netgear Rangemax 802.11n WPN824
    • W-Linx MB401-S (and SMC Barricade 7004 BR, which is identical in construction)
    • Westell 6100

    Due to UPnP

    • Most D-Link 5xx and 6xx (can also be caused by too many connections)
    • D-Link DI-604
    • Dynalink RTA1025W
    • TP-LINK TL-R410
    • ZyXEL Prestige 660H(W) (Firmware versions PE8+ will fix this)
    • Some SpeedStreams

    Due to Port Forwarding

    • D-Link DI-514 (not port forwarding UDP protocol consistently)

    Common fixes for routers/modems freezing/crashing/etc

    • Updating the router firmware
    • Turning off the UPnP (in the client and in the router) and doing manual port forwarding
    • Restricting the number of global connections to 200 or less (may need to go below 100, depending on the router)
    • Turning off DHT
    • Lowering net.max_halfopen and bt.connect_speed
    • Putting the modem/router into bridge or gateway mode (doesn't apply to modems that aren't routers)
    • Getting a new router/modem

    Sourced from (with some modifications): Bad routers - AzureusWiki

  11. 1.11 I get tons of hashfails on my torrents, and the torrent never finishes (D-link routers, any other router with game mode DMZ)

    If you gets lots of hash fails on your torrents with a D-Link router, make sure DMZ mode isn't on. The DMZ mode in this router (called game mode) mangles packets and causes corruption like this, preventing you from completing a torrent.

  12. 1.12 I get very high CPU use when running µTorrent! (McAfee Firewall, SpamPal, Norman Personal Firewall, CyberSitter, possibly others)

    This can be caused by severe problems with McAfee Firewall and Norman Personal Firewall. The only solution is to uninstall the firewall and use another.

    This can also be caused by a bug with SpamPal (other programs exhibit the same behavior when this is installed). The only fix is to uninstall it, or use SpamPal 1.594.

    Cybersitter can also cause this, only an uninstall will fix it.

    If you don't have this firewall and still get high CPU use (either utorrent.exe, or an unseen process), run Sysinternals Process Explorer and see if the DPCs are using significant amounts of CPU. If this is the case, it may be buggy software (most likely not µTorrent), buggy drivers, or faulty hardware. You can run Microsoft's RATTV3 to find out the cause of the DPC. The log files from it are stored in C:\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles\RATTV3

    You can also check the properties of the µTorrent process in Process Explorer, click on the Threads tab, and see what DLLs are hooked into the process to find out what's causing the issue. Seeing mswsock.dll is normal.

  13. 1.13 µTorrent crashes! (V-Com System Suite & V-Com Fixit Pro, Norman Personal Firewall, McAfee Firewall, Cybersitter)

    V-Com's software causes µTorrent (among other software) to crash. You must uninstall V-Com's software.

    Norman Personal Firewall and McAfee Firewall can also cause this, you must uninstall them if you experience crashes.

    Cybersitter can also cause this, only an uninstall will fix it.

    For more applications that are known to cause crashes and possible workarounds, consult this forum thread.

  14. 1.14 I get blank dialogs / no text in various places.

    Norton AntiVirus and McAfee Anti-virus have a "Buffer overrun protection" option in their settings. This must be disabled to fix the issue.